‘Multiscreen Soundscape’ is a short excercise in OSC technologies, part of DECO3200. It envisions a flock of birds that travel amongst computers, tracked by a viewer’s hearing and vision.


First, brainstorming was undertaken for an interactive accoustic ecology.

brainstorm of accoustic ecology

Secondly, a setup system was formalised for quickly identifying the position and orientations of different computers.

setup system sketch

Simple character traversal (represented by a mouse) was implemented between the two screens.

Finally the flocks of birds was implemented (video) as seen in the first video.

It was quite nice to have the work on the university studio computers - especially for the auditory sensors, as flocks of ‘birds’ moved from one area of the studio to another.


This was my first attempt at a large soundscape - I found the result to be quite aesthetically pleasing.

I really should have documented/videoed installation when it was on the Studio computers.