
live test


‘Micropresent’ - a small arduino project arose from initial experimentations with arduino.


Objects command us. They dictate what we do and are designed with a narrow range of optimal functionalities in mind. Take the class room chair for example. That is a tool that has been re-purposed many times, used as forts, pedestals, and sat on in the most unintentional of ways. These gum magnets were designed for the studious student, but involve so many micro-interactions, from the moment the chair is moved, sat on, or departed from, it can be used as a percussive instrument - able to indicate boredom or applause, a coffee cup holder, a public community board of insignias, or quite simply - under it’s intended use - for busily scribbling notes.

“micro-present” intends to bring forward the many subtle interactions in such an object of confinement. This is done through the simple act of amplifying the sound coming from the chair. The combination of such tracks form the rhythm of the unheard classroom. Its’ form is integrated as part of the class-room chair environment, with a speaker enclosed in the mundane coffee cup (which also helps with amplification), and microphone encased in a mint container, which invites more attentive participants to play with it (along with free mints), whilst remaining a subtle augmentation of the classroom to others. The amplification of micro-interactions reveals a hidden performance of work and play that exists in all our daily experiences. With multiple modules, the cacophony of sounds can unveil a primal orchestra.

Process (starting off with Arduino)

1.The hello world of Arduino - turning lights on and off. Having a massive switch to play with was fun. Video


2.Playing with inverters to manipulate data. Video


3.Finally, playing with other audio. Video

And shoving microphone and speaker in a starbucks cup and a breathmint box to hide them away. With the remaining components going inside a pencil case. Ready to be tested live.

final wires

pencil case

live test
