AWSS2016 Graphic Design was a course undertaken in 2011 Semester 2; taught by Teena Clerke.

06 Original

The following are a summary of the weeks as basic design principles and processes were covered.

Week 1 - Worked with Shapes; Using B+W Postivie/Negative shapes, pattern and repetition to communicate a context.

01 Shape Collage

Week 2 - Generated Textures with different media and tools. Then Applied them to a specific communication context.

02 textures

02 a

02 b

Week 4 - Layout & Composition - had a go with Postcards. Plus CMYK vs RGB.

04 Layout+Composition - Collage

04 CMYK vs RGB

Week 6 - Typographic Poem. (Using a mix of elements and the photocopier)

06 Original

06 - Every+, Void

Week 7 - Research into Typefaces. [PDF]

Week 9 - Worked on a Magazine Collage. Progressing from Left-Right, Top-Down - from a more crowded design to one more minimalistic.

09 Magazine Collage

Week 10 onwards - Worked on a visual concept - a ‘Breathing Room’ inspired by ‘Live Architecture’.

313 Concept

In addition to one final visual postcard.

Articulate Postcard